Gluten-free Teff Cheese & Herb Bread Twists

Photography by Simeon Crofts

Photography by Simeon Crofts

DIETARY – Gluten-free, Vegetarian, Nut-free, Low Sugar

Have you heard of teff? I hadn’t until recently when Outback Harvest sent me some of their sustainably-grown Australian teff products including Ivory and Brown Teff Grains and Flours. Teff is a nutritious, 100% gluten-free fine grain native to Africa that is iron-rich and high in calcium and fibre. It can be ground into flour or used whole as an alternative to rice, oats and couscous. Teff’s nutty flavour also makes it a great addition to bread, cookies, cakes and salads, so I decided to see how it would hold up in my gluten-free breadstick recipe.

As with any bread, there are a few steps involved and some time and patience required as you need to allow time for the dough to rise. Homemade breadsticks always taste best on the same day you bake them, so I highly recommend making this recipe when you’re expecting some dinner guests or halve the recipe to make enough for two people.

Teff is an excellent option for gluten-free baking and comes in ivory or brown, with brown teff giving off a richer, nuttier flavour. You can cook the grain like you would any other; by simmering in liquid, soaking it or buy it ground into a flour for baking.

The inspiration for this particular recipe came from wanting to try something new with my basic gluten-free breadstick recipe (that you can find here). Over the years, I have eaten at many Italian restaurants where herby breadsticks are served as an appetiser, and I always find it such a delicious, sociable way to start a meal shared with friends. So, with that in mind, I came up with a cheesy herb twist recipe that incorporates ivory teff flour, which helps to achieve a softer, fuller flavoured bread.

The process

Though it isn’t absolutely necessary, I always activate my yeast before I use it by mixing it with lukewarm water and a teaspoon of sugar. The sugar provides food for the yeast and helps to get things going. By taking the extra 10 minutes to do this, you’re pretty much guaranteed a decent rise in less time than it would take without activating the yeast first. To judge when the yeast is active, simply look for a foamy ‘head’ that will begin to grow on top of the water and, if you give it a smell, it should have a beer-like aroma.

Another important tip to keep in mind is to try and avoid over-mixing, as gluten-free bread can be very dry and dense when mixed too much. Aim for a sticky, slightly fragile dough rather than a perfectly smooth one for a better texture once it’s baked.

To really get the herby flavour coming through the bread, I recommend rolling and folding dried rosemary into the dough. When it comes to topping the dough, the choice is yours – any blend of herbs and type of cheese you like will work. Once baked, you can serve the bread twists on their own, with a dipping pot of olive oil and balsamic, or with a homemade marinara sauce (try serving it warm, it’s a game-changer!)


Gluten-free Teff Cheese & Herb Bread Twists

Gluten-free Teff Cheese & Herb Bread Twists
Makes: 10 Twists
Baked with nutritious ancient teff grain and loaded with cheese and herbs, these bread twists make a delicious appetiser to enjoy with friends


For the bread dough:
  • 250ml lukewarm water
  • 1 packet (7g) dry yeast
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 1 cup (140g) teff ivory flour – I used Outback Harvest
  • 1 cup (120g) gluten-free plain flour, plus extra for dusting the surface
  • ½ tsp xanthan gum
  • 3 tsp salt
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 2-3 tbsp dried rosemary
To top:
  • 3 tbsp grated Parmesan or cheese of your choice
  • 1-2 tbsp fresh parsley
  • 1-2 tsp dried oregano
  • Drizzle of olive oil
  • Sprinkling of sea salt flakes


  1. First, mix the water, yeast and sugar in a jug and cover with clingfilm. Set aside for 10 minutes until the yeast forms a foam head.
  2. Add the flours, xanthan gum and salt to a bowl and stir to combine.
  3. Pour over the olive oil and yeast water, mix roughly with a spoon (it does not need to be smooth) then leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in size – approximately 60-90 minutes.
  4. Lightly flour a clean surface and tip your risen dough out on to it. Sprinkle over the rosemary in increments as you gently fold and knead it through until it’s evenly spread, and the dough feels a little smoother. The dough will feel quite sticky, but that’s OK, just try not to overwork it; otherwise the dough will become tough and rubbery.
  5. Using a knife or dough cutter, divide the dough into 10 portions then take each portion and cut into two. Roll both pieces out to long sausage shapes using the palms of your hands and twist or braid the pieces together. Pinch to seal the ends. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  6. Once you have used all the dough up, set aside for a second rise for around 30 minutes, you won’t notice a huge difference this time but should see each twist looks slightly bigger than before.
  7. While your dough is resting, pre-heat the oven to 180°C (160°C Fan)/ 350°F/Gas Mark 4.
  8. Bake the bread twists in the oven for approximately 25 minutes, turning halfway through cooking. The breads are done when golden, slightly risen, and they sound hollow when tapped.
  9. Sprinkle your chosen cheese over the hot breads and allow them to cool for 10-15 minutes before topping with the herbs, olive oil and sea salt.
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